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The best reading app for ADHD

Navigating the vast world of literature and content can be a challenging task for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This neurodevelopmental disorder, diagnosed primarily in childhood but often persisting into adulthood, presents challenges in focus, impulse control, and attention, making reading a potentially daunting activity. However, the advent of digital tools has ushered in a new era of support, offering apps specifically tailored to address these challenges.

Let’s dive into the nature of ADHD, its subtypes, the hurdles it poses for reading, and most importantly, introduce some of the best reading apps designed to alleviate these struggles. Whether you or someone you know struggles with ADHD, these tools may be the key to unlocking a more seamless reading experience.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is one of the most prevalent childhood neurodevelopmental disorders throughout the world. Typically, it is diagnosed when the child starts school, and it is usually a lifelong condition. However, adult ADHD can also be diagnosed later on in life. The ADHD brain can cause a child or adult to have difficulty focusing, struggle with controlling impulsive actions and behaviors, have a hard time paying attention, and may not be able to sit still.

The three types of ADHD

The CDC defines three types of ADHD. Each has its own set of ADHD symptoms.

Predominantly inattentive presentation

Someone with this type of ADHD struggles with attention and will have symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty with organization

  • Difficulty finishing a task

  • Difficulty paying attention to details

  • Difficulty following instructions

  • Difficulty following conversations

  • Being distracted

  • Forgeting details of their daily routine

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation

Someone with this type of ADHD struggles with impulsivity and fidgeting and will have symptoms such as:

  • Fidgeting

  • Talking excessively

  • Difficulty sitting still for long

  • In children, constantly running, climbing, jumping, etc.

  • Feeling restless

  • Difficulty with executive function

  • Difficulty with impulsivity

  • Interrupting others

  • Grabbing things from people

  • Speaking at inappropriate times

  • Difficulty waiting their turn

  • Difficulty listening to directions

  • Having poor time management

  • Being accident-prone and prone to injuries

Combined presentation

Someone with this type of ADHD exhibits symptoms from both types of ADHD.

How ADHD makes reading difficult

The reason that ADHD makes reading difficult is contained in the name—attention deficit. A person with ADHD has difficulty focusing and concentrating, which can make it much harder for them to track information visually and retain the information that they read.

This can significantly impact the person’s reading comprehension and reading speed. It can also impact a person’s mental health and even overall wellness as they struggle to succeed.

A study published in 2019 found evidence that ADHD often occurs with other reading disabilities. These learning disorders can impact reading skills.

The best ADHD apps

There are many apps to help with ADHD, with both ADHD apps for adults and ADHD apps for kids. include timers and reminders, mind mapping, tracking projects, organization, checklists, and more. These are some of the best apps for ADHD:


SimpleMindPro is a robust mind-mapping tool that allows users to visually organize their thoughts, tasks, and ideas. The intuitive interface and customizable layouts make it easier for individuals with ADHD to break down complex concepts and tasks into manageable chunks. This kind of visualization can be particularly beneficial in understanding relationships between ideas and enhancing memory retention.

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is a task management app that enables users to create to-do lists, set reminders, and categorize tasks. Its straightforward design and notification features help those with ADHD stay on top of their responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed. The app's integration with other platforms and tools ensures that users have their tasks synced and accessible across devices.


Due is a reminder and timer app designed for quick and easy setting of alerts. It's particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD as it provides persistent reminders ensuring tasks or appointments aren’t overlooked. The app's straightforward interface and recurring reminder capabilities make it an essential tool for staying on track.

Brain Focus

Brain Focus uses the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method that involves working in short, focused intervals with regular breaks. For people with ADHD, this can improve concentration and help manage distractibility. The app’s simple interface and customizable settings allow users to adapt the technique to their individual preferences and needs.


MindNode is a visual brainstorming app that helps users map out their thoughts, ideas, and tasks in an intuitive and interconnected way. This visual representation can assist individuals with ADHD in seeing the big picture, making connections, and organizing thoughts. The app's cloud syncing capability ensures that mind maps are available across various devices.


Evernote is a versatile note-taking and organization app that allows users to capture, organize, and find information across multiple devices. Its search functionality, tagging system, and notebook organization can be invaluable for those with ADHD, assisting in storing and retrieving information with ease. With features like web clipping and voice notes, it adapts to various input styles and preferences.


Speechify is the best app for ADHD on this list. As an assistive technology, Speechify is a text to speech platform and a great ADHD app for adults and young children alike. As an ADHD reading app, Speechify allows you to hear any text read out loud in natural-sounding voices. This high-quality text to speech app can help people with ADHD focus better on what they’re reading.

Try Speechify, the best reading app for kids and adults with ADHD

Speechify is considered one of the top apps for people with ADHD, as well as for people who are dyslexic or have learning disabilities. As an app, it’s available on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, for both Android from the Google Play store and iOS (iPhone and iPad) from the Apple App Store. There is also a Chrome web browser extension. Use Speechify to listen to Microsoft Word docs, PDF files, articles, web pages, social media, email, e-books, and more.

With Speechify, you’re in control of the reading speed and accent of the natural-sounding text to speech voices. There are more than 130 voices to choose from in over 30 different languages, so people with ADHD all around the world can benefit from it. First-time users will be amazed at how versatile Speechify is as an ADHD reading app.

Try Speechify for free today.


What helps ADHD in reading?

Reading comprehension and retention can be difficult when a person has attention problems. Note-taking is a great way to retain information while reading. This can be actual note-taking or highlighting text as you read. Improving vocabulary is also very helpful as is finding a quiet, distraction-free place to read. A text to speech program like Speechify can also be a tremendous help for those who struggle with attention.

How do you make text ADHD friendly?

A text to speech app like Speechify can make text very ADHD friendly because it allows the person to move about if they are hyperactive or fidgety but it also allows them to freely take notes while listening to the text being read.

Can reading treat ADHD?

Reading can help the person with ADHD overcome some of the more difficult struggles and frustrations on a social, academic, and emotional level that are caused by the learning disorder.

What is the best way to read for ADHD?

Because ADHD causes inattention and difficulty focusing as well as fidgeting and difficulty sitting still, a text to speech app is the best way that a person with ADHD can read. Speechify is the number one text to speech app for many conditions that affect learning and reading, including dyslexia, autism, and ADHD.

What is a reading app for ADHD?

Speechify is the best reading app for ADHD, and it is a game changer for people with visual impairments, learning disabilities, or reading difficulties.