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Inventory Links: Clearscope’s Way to Audit Your Site’s Internal Linking

Colleen Tully
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    Internal linking refers to pages within a given domain that link to one another. It also helps web crawlers discover, understand, and value pages on your website.

    Want to dive deeper into this topic? Here's our guide on internal linking strategies.

    In this post, we’ll answer:

    • Why we developed Inventory Links

    • What Clearscope’s Inventory Links show

    • How you use Inventory Links

    Now let’s show you how all these things link together (we can’t resist a good pun).

    Why we developed Inventory Links

    A recurring theme during our weekly customer interviews was how they struggled to:

    • Discover link-building opportunities in their site architecture

    • Analyze their current internal links and corresponding descriptive anchor text

    • Uncover orphan pages (or those without any links to and from others in your Content Inventory) and pages without many internal links pointing to it

    We heard the frustration and had to help.

    What Clearscope’s Inventory Links show

    Inventory Links showcase the number of outbound links to other pages in your Content Inventory as well as the number of inbound links from other pages.  These figures highlight which of your published pages aren’t getting enough link equity (or passing along ranking power and authority between linked pages).

    A clip of how to view inbound and outbound Inventory Links.

    How you use Inventory Links

    This is what you need to know to take advantage of Inventory Links (and you can even skip the first three steps if you’ve already set up Content Inventory):

    1. Navigate to your Content Inventory screen

    2. Create a new project when prompted in one of two ways:

    • Auto setup by connecting your Google Search Console

    Connect your Google Search Console to set up Content Inventory by recommended account.
    • Manual setup

    Manually set up your Content Inventory project by entering the website address, name, locale, and language.

    3. Add all (or as many of your important webpages as allotted) of your published content to Content Inventory for performance monitoring

    Insert the page URL and up to three of the associated queries.

    4. Clearscope counts the number of links to and from other pages monitored in Content Inventory. Pages that are not monitored in Content Inventory will not be counted in Inventory Links.

    Please note: It will take up to 24 hours to calculate all the Inventory Links in your Content Inventory once you add new pages.

    5. Once Clearscope counts your links, they will be displayed in the Inventory Links column

    The count of Inventory Links for each page added to Content Inventory.

    6. Click the inbound links to and outbound links from icons for details on the anchor text and URL referenced

    Outbound links to other inventory pages are represented by the arrow pointing to the top right.
    Inbound links from other inventory pages are signified by the arrow pointing to the bottom left.

    For more information on internal linking strategies, check out this Clearscope webinar:

    What Are Internal Links & Why They Matter Clearscope webinar snippet

    Written by
    Colleen Tully
    Product Manager at Clearscope
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